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Foundry Background
A foundry is a factory where castings are produced by melting metal, pouring liquid metal into a mold, then allowing it to solidify. The general steps involved in casting are patternmaking, molding, melting, pouring, shake out, cleaning, and inspection. The final casting shape corresponds with the mold it is poured into, so molds are carefully shaped with a pattern – a wood or metal replica of the object to be cast. Marcellus Metalcasters fulfills domestic low-volume orders and routinely manufactures out-of-production, vintage, and prototype parts using the steps detailed above. Our foundry is located in Marcellus, Michigan and we serve small businesses across the midwest by solving their casting challenges. We work closely with our customers from the prototype stage to production runs and strive to get each new casting right the first time we sample it. A highly modern industry with ancient roots, metalcasting is the backbone of the manufacturing economy. Despite having fewer foundries than India and Japan, the United States has the second largest global output of cast metal at 12,250,000 metric tons. For more information about the metalcasting industry, visit the American Foundry Society website.